A part of the community will easily throw negative words towards the children of former drug addicts or clients of National Anti-drugs Agency (NADA) saying how they will not be able to succeed in education or life, in general.

Moreover, it is more heartbreaking when some people accuse that the children will follow their parents’ footsteps into the world of drug addiction.

Ironically, not all individuals are like that, in fact, there are some who are much better. Dr. Syar Meeze Mohd Rashid for instance, is a living proof whereby a child of NADA’s former client is able to rise and succeed.

Numerous parties are impressed, specifically NADA, when he does not only succeed to graduate in Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Special Education, he even receives the award of Anugerah Emas Kedoktoran during 49th Convocation Ceremony of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) back in November 2021.

Join us in Bicara AADK’s slot, hosted by Hakim Suhaimi, focusing on Dr. Syar Meeze’s sharing about his key to success together with his father, Mohd Rashid Bani who is also known as NADA’s Rehabilitation Mentor as well as discussing on how to face the society’s stigma.

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