Your first step is to find out how a patient can be referred to the 1Malaysia Cure and Care clinic, where you can seek treatment free of charge, legal repercussions and in total privacy.
1Malaysia Cure and Care Clinic provides the right treatment package for patients who are involved in drug abuse and addiction.
Preliminary screening will be done by Rehabilitation Officers using the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Abuse Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) developed by World Health Organization (WHO) to determine the level/seriousness of addiction. After this, patients are then placed in the relevant treatment and rehabilitation packages according to their needs. The 1Malaysia Cure and Care clinic also uses the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment (URICA) assess change in patientโs health and motivation after they have undergone treatment and rehabilitation.
Now you can stop worrying. Continue giving support to your loved ones so that they remain motivated to complete their treatment at the Cure and Care clinic.
We Care. We are always willing to help.
Read on about services offered by 1Malaysia Cure and Care Clinic, click here :